
Friday, January 30, 2015

January 30. Day 30. Beached

These days every cause, every disease, every charity has a special day (or if  you are really special a whole week or month). Wear a nose, a bow tie, a special colour. Give up something, take up something, eat something, don't eat something, shave off something, tip a bucket of ice water over your head. It is simply not possible to contribute to or even acknowledge them all. But there is one day I think we all should keep front of mind. POETS Day. Yep, P*ss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday. And so I did out of the city at lunch time and off to the coast. Now confess the stroke of genius was also motivated by the fact that I was due to pick up a car that after six weeks in a repair shop was MEANT to be ready. It died when we were on holidays so I had to return to the scene of the crime. And despite the four hour round trip and assurances only hours earlier, the car wasn't ready. The beach, however, was totally ready so down we went and frolicked with all the other Friday afternoon city escapees. I can't be mad when I'm on the beach. Better still I now need to create another special day POETT Day (P*ss Off Early Tomorrow's Tuesday).


  1. Hi! I've popped over from Country Kids.I've never heard of the charity POETS day before.What does it raise money for? Although I'm looking forward to eventually getting some snow here, I think a hot day at the beach would be great right now.

  2. So nice to see warm beach photos and just a bit jeleous #countrykids

  3. How wonderful to see some summer sun at the beach when we are in the depths of winter. I crave a bit of what you have here right now! Lovely photos as ever. Thank you for sharing on Country Kids
